This principle is about using water efficiently, protecting local water resources and reducing flooding and drought.
Everyone to have access to clean drinking water
Water used efficiently and returned to the environment clean
Manage water sustainably and reduce the risk and impact of flooding and drought
For example: access to water, reducing demand, water reuse, water treatment, flood risk management, embodied water in products and services and anything else we thing is important.
Water is a very local issue and so demands solutions specific to the particular location. The process of storing, treating and transporting water has a wide range of environmental impacts and a carbon footprint, even in water-rich areas, so it should always be used efficiently.
Groups in Bruton doing things that contribute to this principle:
Wessex Water
Somerset Rivers Authority
Refill - an award-winning campaign to prevent plastic pollution at source by making it easier to reuse and refill your bottle instead of buying a new one. Rose and Lyons and Spar are signed up (at July 2019)
Saving water in the garden (Wessex Water)
Saving water at home (Wessex Water)
Free water saving products (Wessex Water)
- Report a leak or call 0800 692 0 692