Sent to on 9 September 2019
Dear Sir or Madam
Bruton Town Council declared a climate emergency on 26 March 2019, as has South Somerset District Council and Somerset County Council. The Town Council pledged to do everything within the Town Council's power to make Bruton carbon neutral by 2030 and to work with Bruton's residents, businesses and other organisations to meet the 2030 target.
One Planet Bruton ( is a local community response to Bruton Town Council's declaration of a climate emergency. We are working with Bioregional's One Planet Living framework which consists of ten principles and has been used by organisations large and small, developers, London 2012, cities and local authorities in the UK and around the world. Environmental charity, Bioregional ( came up with the concept of One Planet Living ( i.e. leading happy lives within a fair share of the earth’s resources, leaving space for nature and wildlife) in response to the fact that if everyone in the world lived as we do in the UK, we’d need 3 planets to support us.
The ten principles are:
- Health and happiness - Encouraging active, social, meaningful lives to promote good health and wellbeing
- Equity and local economy - Creating safe, equitable places to live and work which support local prosperity and international fair trade
- Culture and community - Nurturing local identity and heritage, empowering communities and promoting a culture of sustainable living
- Land and nature - Protecting and restoring land for the benefit of people and wildlife
- Sustainable water - Using water efficiently, protecting local water resources and reducing flooding and drought
- Local and sustainable food - Promoting sustainable humane farming and healthy diets high in local, seasonal organic food and vegetable protein
- Travel and transport - Reducing the need to travel, encouraging walking, cycling and low carbon transport
- Materials and products - Using materials from sustainable sources and promoting products which help people reduce consumption
- Zero waste - Reducing consumption, reusing and recycling to achieve zero waste and zero pollution
- Zero carbon energy - Making buildings and manufacturing energy efficient and supplying all energy with renewables
The One Planet Living Framework has been used by development projects all over the world and by companies large and small. One notable development that has used it is Elmsbrook, the first phase of the Bicester Eco Town. See the Bicester Eco Town: NW Bicester, for examples of exemplary development and the targets that were set. This is the only one of the Eco Towns to be built to the original standards.
We have set up One Planet Bruton CIC. It is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee. Its objects are to carry on activities which benefit the community and, in particular, to work with Bruton's residents, businesses and other organisations to enable current and future residents to live happy, healthy lives within the limits of the planet, using Bioregional's One Planet Living framework. Our specific objects are to support, develop, initiate and manage community projects and interactions in line with the ten One Planet Living principles.
We would like to see all new development in Bruton adopt and deliver against the goals and principles of the One Planet Living framework.
Housing that is built now will still be standing when the target comes into force, so to avoid expensive and wasteful retrofitting between now and then, any new homes should be designed to be zero carbon. Examples of projects that have used the One Planet Living Framework can be found at and
All new development should be exemplary in terms of construction materials (reducing embodied carbon) and waste, energy efficiency and water consumption, future-proofed and designed to cope with increased summer temperatures without overheating, and reduce risk of surface water flooding through incorporation of SUDS and water attenuation ponds.
Alternative methods of construction, particularly those that sequester carbon, should be considered, to minimise the lifecycle carbon emissions of any development.
The development should be future-proofed for a changing climate, e.g. avoiding overheating through orientation of buildings, location of windows, and shade through tree planting; SUDS and increased size of guttering for increased rainfall; fittings attaching roofs and facades should be able to withstand higher winds. (
The development should be designed to foster a sense of community and have good connections to the rest of Bruton.
In terms of biodiversity and wildlife, any priority habitats should be protected, restored and enhanced, and connected to nearby habitats through wildlife corridors. The development should achieve a minimum 25% net biodiversity gain using the Defra biodiversity metric (or other locally approved metric) and incorporate biodiversity features (see:
Opportunities for food-growing and edible landscaping should be included in all new developments.
In terms of transport and travel, the development should have high-speed broadband to enable people to work from home. It should be easy and attractive for people to walk and cycle. Low and zero carbon vehicles should be promoted and electric vehicle charging infrastructure included as standard.
Please include us in any future consultations for this site and please confirm receipt of this response.