This principle is about nurturing local identity and heritage, empowering communities and promoting a culture of sustainable living.

For example: sense of place, local community, active citizenship, local culture, culture of sustainability, anything else we think is important.

One Planet Goals for culture and community
  • Foster a sense of place and belonging
  • Active citizenship
  • Enhance local culture, heritage and sense of place
  • Nurture a new culture of sustainability

Are there any issues or goals specific to Bruton?

What is Bruton doing already?

Who can contribute to this?

What more can we do?

1 Member
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  • What is Bruton doing already?
    There are so many groups doing things that contribute to culture and community
    Too many to list!
    Bruton Community Partnership
    At The Chapel: Meantime & other events
    Hauser & Wirth Somerset / Roth Bar & Grill events
    Bruton Library
    Bruton Museum
    Bruton Trust
    Open studios / Art weeks
    Bruton and District Horticultural society
    Who else?
  • Notes from 8 April 2019 workshop:
    Encourage small changes via communication. Small changes matter!
    Communicating through local FB groups and evenings such as tonight to encourage green living
    Sponsored environmental challenges for individuals. Give something up for a month. Gain sponsorship

    BrueCREW team, social sharing & education
    Climate Emergency Group, meetings, education & planning
    FB groups, plastic-free Bruton, Greener Bruton
    Council recycling & food waste
    Community store - plastic bottle top collection, refill & eco-products
    Town Council declare Climate emergency status
    Litter picking groups
    Allotments by Hauser & Wirth [and on Frome Road]
    Education already for environmental issues within local schools

    Post Office board displaying positive talks, groups, events & info, eco community
    Environmentally themed open mic night in the Bruton Castle (or other) - guest speaker
    Bruton car share website /page
    Need ways of supporting people to cope with change & uncertainty & adapt
    Need ways of supporting people to look after themselves and each other in turbulent times
    Need Bioregional political forums to manage use of resources and distribution at a bioregional level
    Skilling up - know how / skills / capacity for sustainability
    Find ways to engage people who are interested and care but who aren't yet active
    Set up neighbourhood / community groups to talk about their worries and concerns about the future
    Social connections between community groups & people / neighbours
    Set up community group to talk about bioregional resource use and management
    Medium scale events, music, stalls for e.g. BrueCREW, small fee for tickets, guest speakers
    Use green FB pages to post news & events on other non-green local FB pages, e.g. Alternative Bruton to reach larger audiences
    Open up conversations that "business as usual" is not an option
    Promote lots of ways they could take action and get involved in a group
    Pack Horse Fair Climate Emergency Stall with info & music
    Hold events at the Bruton Club on Quaperlake Street: win-win, support community and Bruton Club
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