This principle is about creating safe, equitable places to live and work which support local prosperity and international fair trade.
For example: diversity and equality, local economy, reducing wealth inequality, diverse employment, global equity, anything else we think is important.
One Planet Goals for equity and local economy:
A diverse community where there is opportunity for all, across abilities, gender, race, age and sexual orientation
A vibrant and resilient economy where a significant proportion of money is spent locally
International trade that is conducted fairly and without exploitation
Are there any issues or goals specific to Bruton?
What is Bruton doing already?
Who can contribute to this?
What more can we do?
Thriving local, independent shops – large proportion of money is spent locally - How can we measure this?
Opportunities for carbon offsetting to be reinvested into local schemes
Homelessness is a thing of the past - are there statistics for Bruton parish?
Everyone has access to affordable fuel and energy
Access to truly affordable homes for all
Fairtrade town status?
Co-working spaces
- Information about local opportunities, tradespeople, products
- Support Fairtrade
- Find opportunities to develop truly affordable housing via a community land trust (
- Tackle fuel poverty
- Connectivity, an enabler for developing a rural economy
- Enabling entrepreneurship
- Supporting young people to develop careers and businesses in the local economy