This principle is about encouraging active, social, meaningful lives to promote good health and wellbeing.

For example: meaning & purpose, healthy living, healthy buildings / products, good public spaces / health services, connecting people, neighbourliness, air quality, anything else we think is important.

One Planet Goals for health and happiness
  • Increase, or support high levels of physical, social, mental and emotional health
  • Increase, or support high levels of life satisfaction by fostering good social and environmental conditions

Are there any issues or goals specific to Bruton?

What is Bruton doing already?

Who can contribute to this?

What more can we do?

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  • We are setting up a Dementia Friendly group - it is just in its nascent form as yet!
  • Possible outcomes for Bruton:
    - Active, healthy people
    - Caring culture
    - Use of well-being indicators
    - Time for things we enjoy
    - Active, inclusive, local communities
    - Proactive, preventative healthcare
    - Mental health and well-being
    - Access to green space
  • Notes from 8 April 2019 workshop:

    Is GP practice a medical centre or centre of health & wellbeing (Bromley by Bow / Frome Medical Centre)
    Cost of events / activities
    Traffic-free cycling & walking
    GP practices too medicalised
    Stopping developers spreading housing without green spaces between
    Eco-grief support to process difficult emotional responses
    Loneliness from marginalised parts of community: elders, young people, single parents, etc.
    Lack of meeting places / activities / clubs for young people
    Knowing what is available in your community / group / services / etc…
    Overmedicalised attitude to health - Big Pharma link to health
    An 'us' and 'them' attitude between 'locals' and 'incomers'

    Lots of accessible events
    Good information sharing online & in person
    Community celebrations inc. seasonal, heritage, fun!
    Get local health GP practice involved
    Some green routes into town for pedestrians / cycling
    Community litter-picking / river-clearing / tree protection => bringing connection, purpose, fulfilment
    Growth of community cohesion - mutual support
    More holistic approach to health

    Lots of community events & classes
    Community notice boards in local shops
    Lots of community celebrations
    Health centre signposts services
    There is a real sense of community that crosses barriers
    Green & beautiful natural environment

    Talking to neighbours. Great opportunity to discuss issues & break down barriers
    Workshops / pilgrimages encouraging nature connection and honouring the local landscape
    Community talking circles
    Cross community engagement in developing / re-vamping event spaces
    Having information available, easily accessible ? Website, community connectors for those without IT
    Nature prescriptions
    Creative prescriptions
    Cooking cheap community meals
    Involving families & children in growing, harvesting & cooking
    Signposting people to existing opportunities in the community
    Honouring natural cycles & reconnecting to them
    Supporting rites of passage: puberty, menopause, old age
    Supporting people to become more resilient & have more control over their health
    Holistic cradle to grave wellbeing
    Involvement of all members of community
    Elder inclusion
    Stop loneliness
    Supporting inclusive preventative health & resilience
    Mentoring youth <-> elders
    Community meals / Pot-luck suppers
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