This principle is about reducing the need to travel, encouraging walking, cycling and low carbon transport.

For example: walking and cycling, public transport, low carbon vehicles, car sharing, car parking, charging points, green transport plans, employee commuting, business travel, visitors

One Planet Goals for travel and transport
  • Reduce car dependence and the need for daily travel
  • Make it easy and attractive for people to walk and cycle
  • Promote car-sharing and public transport
  • Promote low / zero-carbon vehicles including electric cars
  • Raise awareness of the impacts of, and promote alternatives to, air travel

Are there any issues or goals specific to Bruton?

What is Bruton doing already?

Who can contribute to this?

What more can we do?

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  • Possible outcomes for Bruton:
    Affordable, low and zero carbon transport options accessible for all
    Safe and available active transport options (walking, cycling)
    Infrastructure is in place to facilitate shared purpose journeys (liftsharing)
    Fewer cars and those that remain are low/zero emission
  • Notes from 8 April 2019 workshop:
    Limited bus links
    Limited train timetables
    Electric charging
    Transport links
    Dangerous cycling out of Bruton
    Communication re travel with bikes on trains
    Ticket prices
    Subsidised travel

    Old milk float school bus
    Berry's increasing routes

    Direct train Bruton to London
    Berry's coach
    Cycle routes at schools

    Bruton Sustainability App
    Local car share organisation
    Car pool
    Create safe cycle / walking routes to school
    Electric charging point to encourage electric car use
    Community electric car
    Better bike space on trains
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