This principle is about reducing consumption, reusing and recycling to achieve zero waste and zero pollution.

For example: waste in operations / construction / products & packaging, waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle), maximising value of waste / circular economy, final waste disposal, toxic pollution

One Planet Goals for zero waste:

  • Reduce wasteful consumption
  • Maximise upcycling, reuse and recycling
  • Zero waste to landfill
  • Aim for zero pollutants to enter air, water or soil
  • Promote the waste hierarchy:
    • Reduce consumption
    • Prevent waste
    • Reuse materials and products
    • Recycle and compost
    • Recover energy from waste
    • Dispose to landfill (Aim to get this to zero)

Are there any issues or goals specific to Bruton?

What is Bruton doing already?

Who can contribute to this?

What more can we do?

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  • Possible outcomes:
    All waste is minimised
    Comprehensive recycling facilities and collection services
    Easy, instant access to recycling information
  • Notes from 8 April 2019 workshop:
    Education [about recycling]
    Recycling points
    Schools not recycling - cost for them to recycle
    Information on 3 Rs: reduce, re-use, recycling
    1 school in Yeovil uses plastic cutlery every day as metal cutlery would mean hiring someone to wash them (Is this happening in Bruton?)

    Godminster Farm [? Possibly mean Wyke Farm anaerobic digester]
    Charity shop
    Collection points in shops for batteries & milk bottle tops & stamps
    Kerb-side recycling collection [domestic waste]
    Somerset Waste Partnership
    Bottle back [?]

    Mending workshops: bicycles, clothes, woodwork, etc.
    Have an information page in the Dove with tips for everyone
    Communicate with local schools. I have worked in many Somerset shools, NONE recycle!! in my experience. Council pay?
    Campaign about pollution e.g. tyre fires, chemical run-off into river
    School & business pledges for reducing / zero waste
    Household pledges to reduce waste to zero
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